cutest blog on the block

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A few of my favorite things

When things don't go my way I do one of five things:

1.  Throw a pity party (keeping it real).
2.  Laugh it off or shrug my shoulders because I realize it was out of my control to begin with (what I long to do more)
3.  Make a spreadsheet or clean my desk (or something else that appears out of control). 
4.  Sing a song (in the spirit of The King and I - "whenever I feel afraid, I whistle a happy tune ..."
5. Make a list of what I'm grateful for that includes tough tasks of endurance, confusing and pain filled growing, and unmet longings that point me to the Lover of my Soul - the only one who can meet me in those deepest of places.

Today... I've managed to do all five- even # 2 (but that was only after the first event).   

Here's my list of my favorite things (in the spirit of a song from yet another great musical)

*  The 2nd grader who said to me:  you look like someone I know without glasses when you don't wear your glasses."

*  3rd graders who picked up on a tough concept in a short number of days, and excitedly ran out of my room with their papers to show their teacher.  

*  Hugs from students.  

*  turning in a report early (because I was able to make the spreadsheet work for me) heart is better now.  I hope nothing else happens.  But if it does, I hope I'll remember # 2 and the 2nd part of # 5.

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