cutest blog on the block

Friday, November 29, 2013

Remembering to be Grateful: A Challenge from A to Z

That's a hard one.  I'll come back.
B- beautiful, bountiful BETHLEHEM!  (that was easy!). 
C- courage, a new thing in my heart formed by the fire of trials, curiosity, cameras, catsup (it's just a fun word!), and Cool Whip runs to WalMart with Tyler
D- dreams and visions, and the way they enCourage, Delany's smile
E- Grandpa's Elmer Fudd ears.  I sure do love that man!  It was sad when he exclaimed how he wished I lived closer.  Me too, Grandpa.  Me too.
F- Feral Fred :-), Fridge Art (...yeah, I could have put that on A) 
G- Grandma's kisses, guitars, gummy bear rewards
H- softened hearts, Haven Rest (aka my house), and being able to help others without enabling
I- iguanas (so cute!), injuries and the odd way they heal our hearts in other places
J- red jiggly Jello with sliced bananas
K- memories of kite flying at recess with my boys.  I miss them so much!
L- laughter, the good belly jiggling kind (jiggling is a good thing...except where triceps are concerned)
M- a mother's heart in labor, my Murphys, Movember-gotta love it!, messy relating, mercy
N- nature, nurture, Nutella, November, nephews, and new mercies

I got it now! 

A-  accepting No for an answer, a tough skill to teach ...and learn.

Okay, where were we?

O- ostriches with their head in the sand, I'm like that, hiding and pretending not to see. (note to self:  see C and remember you can choose to walk in the new creation you)

P-  popcorn presents, pomegranate seeds, parents 
Q- quarters wasted in The Claw, a cheap price for a memory.
R- rice made the Murphy way.
S- the way the sun rises and sets perfectly in my haven windows, songs-especially those sweet times when my heart hears the song the Spirit sings over me at night.
T-  Tetris, I love it when things fit nicely together. Life is like that for me, though-scrambling around to make it all fit.  
U- understanding, that moment the heart wakes up, "umm" (and the freedom to say it) 
V- is for volition and vacation 
W- water, living water, wells dug in 3rd world countries. 

....we interrupt this blog post for a google search to see if there's a '2nd world'
...well there you go!

S- is definitely for squirrel!! 
R- for random, and rabbit trails that bring us finally back to:  

X- What Does the Fox Say?  (Sorry-couldn't resist!)
Seriously, xylophones and x-Ray is all I got.  Sure I like music, and being able to see bones is cool -
Oh! Wait!  X-Ray vision!!!  I'm grateful for the way some people have been given the ability to see straight to the heart of the matter, to see through smoke screens, and bring to the light that which should never have been hidden.  
Y- yellow rose memories of both Texas and unrequited love
Z- fun with zebra stripes, French Accents, and those sweet little zebra fish I used to help care for at my grandparent's pet shop.  

Suddenly this year, my grandparents got frail and old.  For the first time I can remember, we didn't play dominos after a holiday meal.  Did they miss it as much as I am missing it now?

M- memories:   Make them, hold onto them, cherish them, and be grateful - even for the hard ones.

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