cutest blog on the block

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

From the Mouths of Babes

I have the joy and honor of working with children at my church on Wednesday nights.  Each month we have a fruit of the Spirit that we are concentrating on.   This month logically is Love.  The memory verse that goes with it is 1John 4:7

In an effort to encourage the children to memorize scripture and hide it in the soil of their hearts, we are offering a prize each time a child recites it from memory.  This week was the first week.  Some of the kids were AMAZING and had it memorized very quickly tonight.  Others were SO eager to get it, or thought they had it, made a few mistakes.  Almost every child who got it wrong the first time (LOL or first few times!) consistently said this:

"Dear God, ..."

I love that.  Because God first loved us, too.  We definitely shouldn't forget to love Him.  

"Dear God, let us love one another..."

We've been talking about how to love one another well, how Jesus loves us SO MUCH that he took all of our sins upon himself.

(worthy side note:  I absolutely am amazed at the visual this video gives of that sweet sacrifice Christ made on our behalf.  It's made for young children, but I got goosebumps watching it, and was struck again at the weight of what He took on out of his *immense* love for us - even while we were still sinners.)

"Dear God, let me love and desire you more than what I think I want instead." 

It's so easy to begrudge God when I have to repent/turn away from my bad choices.  Sometimes I don't remember that choosing You brings better things (way better!) than what I imagine my way could temporarily bring.  I have to ask my self, am I loving God when I am faced with a situation that calls for rugged obedience (the hard kind).   He is already loving me so well, am I returning that love?

"Dear God, let me love you, and trust you when really hard things happen; and I'm disappointed, let down and filled with grief."

...yeah that.  I know too well that the temptation is to love myself by wrapping up in self-pity - or worse, putting on the extra blankets of contempt and bitterness.

If you want to know how much Jesus loves us, definitely watch this video!  
(-even if you're no longer a kid - or a kid at heart.)

Love you!

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