cutest blog on the block

Monday, June 2, 2014

Creating Nooks and Crannies

---Original Message---
(Sent before any of today's events)
I love how changing my profile picture on Facebook to Thomas' English Muffins reminds me to be open to the runny melted butter of the Holy Spirit.

Best visual ever.

....and incidentally, I wish  *daily* that I could teleport & also that
someone would get creative and install a fireman's pole in the mall area at (my school)
*7:00am ish ...Then I saw what Hubert did to the Living Room...and part of the kitchen. 
* within 10 minutes of ignoring the yarn web, I find myself itching something fierce.  At the stoplight I discover hives - a lot of them!
* 9:00 first day of EOG testing, the testing computer chides me for not coming up with a more memorable password.  Really???
* noon, 2pm, and then from 4:00-5:05pm as the deadline fast approached to appear in court again for February's telephone pole mishap fun I am repetitively ignored by my car insurance company and shamed needlessly by the DA's office.  Don't they know what kind of day I'm having? 
*3:30 a parent doesn't show for a meeting.  I have to reschedule.  There isn't time left in the year to reschedule! 
*5:00-7:30pm after the DA drops my charges (literally at the very last minute) and I have a lovely dinner and much needed playtime with a fascinating little girl, I think it's over. 
...aaaand cue the check engine light! (I know...big surprise, something ELSE is wrong with sweet Cordelia Humbug. *eye roll*)
I'm seriously grateful for the strength of the reminder this morning, and for the sweetness of the new songs sung last evening.  

Because it would be quite tempting to say today was THE worst. day. ever.

-and I suppose it still can earn that title if I let my complaining comfortable idol worshiping self take over.  

In a perfect world I'd like to take the hits without wanting to crawl under a rock, without thinking I "deserve" a Coke and a Smile....and without needing for someone else to sit by the fire with me commiserating while I scratch my hives with pot shards. 

In a perfect world I can easily rejoice in my sufferings, knowing they produce endurance, and endurance produces hope (which never disappoints!!)  & in a perfect world, I can post something like this to my Facebook page.

You know. It was a horrible day. But there were some super sweet bright spots....and I really am grateful for all the little craters formed in my heart by the day's events...because maybe, just maybe (okay, probably definitely...) these craters are creating more surface area on my hear English muffins....and when the Holy Spirit covers me (like melted butter) there will be loads more of me covered! (And I'm SUPeR grateful for the way my attention was drawn to the sermon example before anything went wrong today!)

I wonder what today holds...

Looking into the rising sun I realize how little the events matter.  I know that Love Himself holds today - and me ... He holds me. 

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