cutest blog on the block

Monday, February 17, 2014

withdrawal from an iDol

Facebook Fast Sponsor to me:  Are you messaging me through FB Messenger? 

Me:  No ma'am.  Messaging through my email.  

(Insert whiney pouting voice here). I can't be nosey without Facebook's newsfeed.  I miss being a voyer!!!  *sigh*

Seriously though, Messaging can be done through email.  And it's more intentional and relational and stuff.  

I've written a song...well finished it today.

 ...not to mention I don't get any props (likes) from posting something witty, informative or challenging.  Evidently I have an unhealthy relationship with approval seeking?

I've checked my blog stats 12 times today...really.

I love how this facebook fast stemmed from an etymological curiosity about narcissus (the flower, among my favorites) and narcissistic personality (apparently my sinful nature).  I hate that it came also from a long avoided chapter in Jen Hatmaker's 7.  Hate-because I've known this was a problem for a long while.  I'm so grateful the chapter on gardening wasn't convicting, too! 

One of my main love languages is words of affirmation. I definitely seek out that affirmation from facebook by counting likes and replies.  

There's a Max Lucado story about a little puppet like society that gives each other gold stars for affirmation and grey dots for rejection.  The little Punchinello gets a lot of grey dots simply because he already has grey dots.  

The solution is for him to spend time under the affirming gaze of the Carpenter who made him.  Eventually the dots fell off and even when his fellow puppets tried to give him stars (likes) they wouldn't stick.  

My words of affirmation need to come from the One who set the very stars in place, and who formed my inmost parts.  From the holy, set apart, One who is both great (powerful) and small (intricate) at the same time....the Mysterious One who deserves my words of expressed affirmation (worship) and the One who longs to pour His love out on me (the prodigal who stayed home).

The good news?  I didn't sleep with my iDol (phone) held like a security blanket for the first time in ...well, ever.

Thanks Megan for keeping my password for me this month.  Is it March 15th yet??

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